Trump the Winner

Dale Coparanis
2 min readFeb 1, 2017

It is significant to understand that one of the benefits of President Trump doing so much in his first week and a half and driving the liberals nearly insane is that it puts them in a awkward position going forward. They have so over-reached themselves in their outlandish reactions to everything Trump has done in 11 days that they are appearing like the boy who cried wolf.

If everything is a crisis then nothing is a crisis.

Trump is not going to let up. He is going to keep pushing and pushing knowing that the more he keeps his opposition flailing in rage the more he can get done.

Look at some of the big issues ahead — the Gorsuch hearings, the debt ceiling, the budget/continuing resolution, repealing Obamacare, tax reduction — and realize even though they will occur in March and April that the liberals will almost literally be horse by then from their constant screeching. The American people will certainly be getting tired of listening to them. That means the effectiveness of the liberal protests diminishes quickly making these very significant debates easier to win.

Trump, the person who has never been a politician, who has never held office, who is supposed to be reckless and immature is showing that he knows exactly what he is doing. The bottom line is that he is a winner, that he wants to keep winning and that he wants to win for the American people. Six months from now, the liberals will look around and realize that they have been beaten at nearly every turn and have nowhere to go because they have expended all their energy.

