Martial Law in America — is it Possible?

Dale Coparanis
5 min readMar 29, 2020

A crisis brings out the best and the worst in people. It also shows how people rationalize positions that, in calmer times, they would never take. Our current COVID-19 pandemic gives a great example of this rationalizing. We see vast numbers of otherwise freedom loving people showing how easy it would be to impose martial law — even in America.

Prior to 2020, the idea of martial law in America was too silly to even take seriously by most. After all, we Americans started our country fighting for liberty and freedom against a tyrannical government. Over the years we fought and bled so others could be free like we are. What could possibly happen to show us how vulnerable we are to losing all our liberties?

Enter the Coronavirus.

Fear, as Scott Adams reminds us, is the most powerful persuasion. Visual fear, whether in actual pictures or simply in our mind’s eye, is the most potent type of fear. We have been given endless stories of hospitals in chaos and how it’s only going to get worse. In addition to the deaths from the disease, suicides are increasing as well.

When people are this fearful, they simply want the fear to stop — and they don’t really care how.

Thus, many people who used to proudly say “One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all” are now saying how…

